
Tuesday 19 January 2010

Happy New Year!

I didn't realise it had been so long since I last posted... That'll be the snow distracting me. BLW has really come into it's own while the weather was bad as we couldn't get out to do a great deal of shopping!

We have also been away to Centerparcs, as we were in the middle of all the snow and didn't even know if we would get there we didn't do any shopping to take with us, so I didn't take any special food for Tabitha. In the back of my mind I thought this would be a good test to see if she really is blw'd! She did excellently, I wouldn't say she ate particularly heathily, but she did eat whatever was to hand, which is ultimately my goal with blw, that she will eat whatever is around and presently with dd2 we have to still make special meals!

She also took a great big leap yesterday, she ate raisins all by herself! Grapes have also proved a winner. She has also had Mackerel on Toast for breakfast which she loved!!

I went shopping today to look for some inspiration... so I'm looking forward to an interesting week with new foods!

Labels: baby led weaning blw

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